Celebrating 131 shows Since 1885
01234 708462 07802721720
Local Allotment Societies
Kimbolton Parish Council Allotments
Contact Kimbolton Parish Council Clerk
Phone 01480 861877
Dean and Shelton Allotment Society
Contact Allotment Secretary Valerie Short
Email valerieshort499@gmail.com
Phone 01234 708650
Little Paxton Allotment Association
Contact Councillor Jean Matheson,
Council Clerk Jenny Gellatly
Phone 01480 476298
01480 470193
Raunds Allotment and Smallholders Association Ltd
also Raunds United Charities allotments
Contact Raunds Town Council
Phone 01933 622087
Email info@raunds-tc.gov.uk
Chelveston Allotment Society
Phone Darren Redgate
Email clerk@chelveston-pc.gov.uk
Stanwick Allotment Society
Email stanwickallotments@outlook.com
Rushden Permanent Allotment and Small Holdings Society Ltd
Phone 07958 402074
Email rushdenallotments@hotmail.co.uk
Great Staughton Allotments
Email nicolahaday@msn.com
Risely Allotments
Contact Thurma Cohen
Email thurmacohen337@btinternet.com
Melchbourne and Yelden Parish Council Allotments
Email melchyeldpc@gmail.com
Phone 01933 314365