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Local Press Contacts
The Hunts Post
Web https://www.huntspost.co.uk
Phone 01480 411 481
Email daniel.mansfield@archant.co.uk
Bedford Today (Bedfordshire Times and Citizen)
Web https://www.bedfordtoday.co.uk
Phone 01908 651 287
Email editorial@timesandcitizen.co.uk
BBC Three Counties Radio
Web https://www.bbc.co.uk/threecountiesradio
Heart Radio
Web https://www.heart.co.uk/bedford/events/local
Rural Grunge (Grass Roots Publications)
Web http://home2.btconnect.com/grassroots/index.html
Phone 01234 781 374
Mobile 07725 812 963
Email mrwhitegrassroot@btconnect.com
Honeycombe (Parish Magazine Of The Stodden Churches)
Editor Steve Lemming and Sue Tusting
Phone 01933 313 849
Email stodden6@gmail.com
Advertising Rosemary Morgan
Phone 01933 317 856
Email rjm875@gmail.com
The Bystander
Web https://www.bystandermagazines.co.uk
Phone 01480 860 391
Mobile 07803 504 631
Email john@villagebystander.com
The Villager Magazine
Web http://www.villagermag.com
Phone 01767 261 122
Email Nigel@villagermag.com