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Some of the attractions at the Dean and Shelton Country Show



The Historic Produce Show. (now in its 130th year)



Gun Dog Display.


The Royal British Legion.


Royal National Lifeboat Institution.


Guide Dogs For The Blind.


Classic Vehicles, including Tractors, classic cars and motorcycles, military vehicles.


Circus skills.


Punch and Judy show


Corby Silver Band.


Various Food and Craft stalls.


Educational exhibits.


The famous Tea Tent with Homemade Cakes.


Bells and Whistles licensed Bar.


Hog Roast.


Ice Cream Van.


Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Avro Lancaster Flypast (Subject to serviceability).


Royal Logistics Corps Army Reserve.


Award Ceremony.








Plant stall.


Livestock, including Chickens Ducks and Geese.


Sweetie Scramble (for young people)


Horticultural Machinery display.


Auction Sale of Produce for charity.


Stationary Engines.


Scale steam ploughing and traction engines.


Full-size steam engine




See regular updates



Donkeys Dean and Shelton Flower Show .JP
Corby Silver Band Dean and Shelton Flowe
BBMF Avro Lancaster.png
Model T Dean and Shelton Flower Show
Tea Tent Dean and Shelton Country Show.
Dog Show Dean and Shelton Country Show
Produce Show Dean and Shelton Country Sh

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